Friday, November 30, 2018

Rudolph, The Marginalized Reindeer

The Political Correctness Cops are literally driving me crazy. In a commentary by Peter Parisi of the Daily Signal, he outlines the series of complaints lodged against the 1964 stop motion animation classic “Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer,” narrated by Burl Ives.

You know the classic. You know the story. Here’s the beef as analyzed by the PC Gestapo:
The show should be re-named: “Rudolph the Marginalized Reindeer,” because of the main character is teased and bullied by his peers because of his peculiar nose.
One Twitter pundit wrote that the show is “a parable of racism and homophobia with Santa as a bigoted, exploitative (blank).” I’ve cleaned it up.

Another contributor notes that Rudolph’s Dad, Donner, “verbally abuses” his son and forces him to conceal his unique attribute so he can fit in with the other young reindeer.----this going on as Comet, Rudolph’s PE teacher, acts out his internal demons as a discriminatory bully because he denies the young buck the ability to play in any reindeer games.

Are you kidding? Unfortunately, no. I’m not. You just can’t make up this garbage.
Rudolph has a girlfriend….which is probably why the show is homophobic.
Then there’s the misfit elf excoriated by his supervisor because he wants to be a dentist instead of making toys. That’s right, the Elf Boss is clearly an anti-dentite. Enough.
For me, Rudolph is a story about overcoming adversity….That’s it. Got a beef with this show? 

Get a life.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you really must not have had much to write about this time. Why does it matter to you how someone else interprets that movie? Cry about it.
