Monday, December 9, 2019

A Failure of Leadership

I’ve been watching, in horror, the lack of action on the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement. It is essential it is passed to ensure our economic health as a nation. Unfortunately, politics are more important to the leadership of the U.S. House.

USMCA has the votes to pass right now, but it won’t get called to the floor of the House because Speaker Nancy Pelosi won’t let it get considered. The landmark trade agreement would benefit everyone in North America, but for Pelosi, there are bigger fish to fry. She can’t let the trade measure pass….it would look too good for the President….the same President she is going to impeach.

As the administration is trying to reset trade with China….the communist country which has picked us clean in trade negotiations for 30 years….. we simply must stabilize and increase the amount of business we do with our North American neighbors.

As I said, the votes are there. This could happen before Christmas…but it won’t because Pelosi has to keep her party’s eye on the ball. She isn’t much worried about farmers in the Midwest. Illinois is comfortably a blue state. Nothing is going to change that.

This one is so easy. If our government can’t pull the trigger on USMCA, then cutting a fair and equitable deal with the Chinese  seems impossible.

If only Pelosi and the Democrats could simply walk and chew gum. If they could just put their extreme animosity for the White House on hold long enough to think about the benefit of improved markets for farmers in Southern Illinois….If, if, if.

If pigs could fly.

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