Thursday, October 11, 2018

"You Are Just Another Republican."

We had a caller on our morning talk show who alleged I am anti-Democrat and he was turning off the radio station and never listening again.

Hmmm. Bet my bottom dollar he’s listening right now.

It angered me. I am a fiscal conservative but so are most Democrats in Southern Illinois. I often speak ill of the sitting Republican Governor,  as do most Democrats everywhere in Illinois.

The caller didn’t want to have a conversation about ideas….rather he just wanted to lob a grenade into our show and label me as a Republican. Have an opinion. Call in, or use our Facebook page to post why my commentaries are flawed. Engage, don’t throw something from behind the fence of anonymity. That’s being a coward. I put my name and likeness on everything aired here.

Here’s a few things you probably need to hear.

Donald Trump is an egotist who needs to lay off Twitter. He also deserves credit for a booming economy, the lowest unemployment in my lifetime and a foreign affairs policy that has the rest of the world once again fearing and respecting the United States. I don’t share his morals but I do applaud his coming through on countless campaign promises. So have I drank the Kool-Aid?

If you are a Democrat in the state of Illinois and do not denounce House Speaker Mike Madigan, you certainly swill Kool-Aid. He’s the leader of your party and this state is embarrassing. Do something about it.

We have many good Democrats in this region and I have, and will vote for them in local offices because they are the best people for the job. Isn’t that the way we are supposed to vote? For the best person….no matter their party affiliation?

Now it’s your turn.

Where have I gone wrong?


  1. I pray for the disaster victims in Illinois, state of my birth and residence until late August of ‘93. What disaster, you ask? If you cannot see the massive “rabbit hole” Illinois is being dragged into by your overtax-and overspend government - in the land of thin promises and thick failures - then you are getting the very government you deserve.

  2. I agree. Vote for the person you think is best for the job. I am also fiscally conservative, and I'm wholeheartedly, unapologetically pro-life, but otherwise not exactly a Republican. I study the issues and make my voting decisions based on their purported policies and their moral fortitude. I did not vote for Trump, but, like you, I am grateful for what he has accomplished so far. I just can't stand to listen to his narcissistic rants
