Friday, October 5, 2018

Vote Already

It appears, very soon, the United States Senate will vote on whether Brett Kavanaugh will join the Supreme Court as its ninth justice.

This has been one of the toughest stretches in our country’s history. We are split right down the middle and the disagreements have been volatile. I have watched the whole thing and tried to figure out how it should conclude.

I watched the testimony. Both were very convincing but Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford’s memory was, at best, sketchy. There’s no corroborating evidence to back up her claims that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her when they were teenagers. He’s now been investigated seven times and he is squeaky clean.

This is all so sad. The systematic attempts to destroy the judge have never been backed by evidence. Only innuendo….only by partisans.

The most damning piece of this thing is the simple fact that Democrats had Blasey-Ford’s charges almost two months before they trotted her out. She was like a card up the sleeve of a corrupt poker player. When it appeared Kavanaugh was on his way to confirmation, they played their card.

If the Republicans do not stay together on this one, it will be the single act which will bring on the blue wave. The folks that voted for them to drain the swap will turn. Democrats will be emboldened to stonewall the confirmation of any of President Trump’s future nominees until he is either turned out…or re-elected.

If Kavanaugh is not seated on the Supreme Court, it will signal that the politics of personal destruction, minus any evidence, have triumphed.

In this case the principal of fairness---just treatment without favoritism---will die a certain death if Brent Kavanaugh is not confirmed.

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