Monday, October 1, 2018

Not Always Conservative

For 32 years, I couldn’t say anything.

I was an administrator in various colleges and that is not a job where the Board of Trustees view the president, or provost, or dean….as someone who should be partisan in his politics.

So, I have enjoyed doing this commentary because it has allowed me to say things that could not be falling out of my mouth in my chosen career.

I lean conservative and that is not a popular thing in higher education. In fact, higher ed is decidedly left and liberals like to believe that everyone running a college is smart and only liberals have a corner on the smart market.

But I must come clean. I am a fiscal conservative. I am not conservative in some of my beliefs when it comes to social issues. I live by Matthew 7, verse one. “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.”

I don’t care what goes on in your bedroom…none of my business. I don’t march for Roe vs. Wade, its established law. I don’t really care what you put into your body as long as it doesn’t hurt mine.

You see. Not terribly conservative of me.

I am a Christian and I believe that we are ultimately judged-- but not by mortals.
If someone has gone against Christian teachings, then they will have to pay for their mistakes.

I live…and let live. And that bothers many of my Christian friends because I am not willing to lay it on the line against people who do not live good Christian lives….in their view.

I believe the axiom “You can’t legislate morality.” That’s why I would be a lousy lawmaker.

I wouldn’t even try.

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