On Sunday I
noticed a post on our station Facebook page. It came from a person who was
asking whether or not we, the station, supported Gene Kollak? The person
offered a screen shot of something they alleged Kollak posted on his private
Facebook page.
I decided
then and there to delete the post. If there was to be a raging controversy, it
would have to happen somewhere other than our page. For me, what Kollak
allegedly posted was not going to be a news story here. But then I knew others
might see it differently.
All bets
were off when Fairfield Public School District 112 issued a press release
saying Kollak did not speak for the administration or staff. You see, Gene
Kollak is a member of the board of education. Through the issuance of the press
release, the school made it a news story. Superintendent Scott England said he
got calls from inside and outside the district. Further, he said the board is
working with legal staff to consider its options. I think that means they are
considering a public censure of Kollak as provided in Illinois law.
I know I sure wouldn’t have said what Gene
said. He used an unacceptable word in describing Christine Blasey-Ford, the
woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, of sexually
attacking her 35 years ago. What he said was not appropriate. I don’t condone
Having said
that----Kollak has a first amendment right to say whatever he pleases as an
individual. The school has a right to say Kollak does not speak for anybody but
What happens
next, if anything? It appears Kollak’s six school board colleagues will have to
figure that out.
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