Social media
is so very interesting and I’d like to thank those of you who have helped me
reach some rather stunning numbers over the last month. Especially those who
have anonymously planted personal attacks and negatives about me on Facebook.
The effect
of those kinds of smears is a barrage of “clicks” by people who read my
commentaries re-printed on my blog and add to my totals. Every time someone
clicks on my blog, they are counted.
In the last
four weeks here, my blog has totaled 21,500 readers, or over a thousand clicks
each weekday, 5000 clicks each week. That’s equivalent to the stated
circulation of the local newspaper.
Now, on to
the personal attacks.
I put my
name and my voice out there every day and I invite your response. But I
encourage you to argue your disagreement….or to correct my facts. That’s what
would further discourse and open a forum for thought.
But that
doesn’t often happen. When you call me names, or re-print old articles from my
history and suggest I am a racist, or a demonic conservative, or a closet
Trumpster, you only invite others to read or listen to my commentaries. When
you do that, the numbers on my blog and the commentary page of our website go
through the roof.
All that I
ask is that you please have the guts to put your name on inane comments so we
can evaluate you and your personal history. When you create a Facebook page,
put a fake picture in the profile slot and start launching, it is easy to
determine you are fake news. No personal info, no history of posts…no
friends….and a profile picture you plucked from Sports Illustrated.
I find it
all highly entertaining.
Keep clicking.
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