Thursday, September 26, 2019

Complaint Postpones Liquor Decision

It’s obvious there are businessfolk in Fairfield who do not want to see more package liquor licenses issued. I can think of a few.

Tuesday night that acknowledged pressure was evident as the Fairfield city council did not vote to allow more licenses. They didn’t have the chance. It was not included in the new ordinance.

While they voted on other liquor matters, it took aldermen Brett Coale and Gary Moore to teach their colleagues about capitalism. A free market allows for better service and lower prices. If package liquor sales won’t support more stores, they will close for lack of profitability. Let the market decide.

But there is a narrative in this town, as evidenced by a poll we conducted a few weeks back, that everyone has paid way too much for booze over the years because of the lack of competition.

Coale said it is like telling another hardware store they can’t come here because we already have Kincaid’s….or telling another dress retailer to stay away because of the presence of Carnaby Square. Moore, the manager of Wayne White Propane, said he would love to control the number of propane retailers but knows to suggest such would be laughable.

So, now we wait to see if the rest of the council was swayed by Moore and Coale. Will there be consideration of expanding the number of liquor licenses…or will the angry businesspeople who called city hall….win?

I hope not.

1 comment:

  1. It's $10 less for a fifth of anything 49 miles away, but I thought that had more to do with taxation.
