Thursday, July 4, 2019

God Bless America

It’s been said, my comments here each day, do not unify. Many, who don’t agree with me, have alleged I say things merely to provoke.

So, on this 4th of July, the 243rd anniversary of our creation, let’s see if I can provide common ground. Be someone who unifies….not a divider.

So I’m going to say things I know we can all agree upon…

This is the greatest country on Earth and I would not want to live anywhere else. Americans are strong. Their strength has saved the world more than once.
The founding fathers put together an inspired Constitution which became the template for free societies around the world.

Our evolution as a country includes dark periods where we dealt with civil rights, governmental corruption and unpopular wars. Even the balance of power among our co-equal branches of government has been challenged….and continues to be challenged…as we move forward as a nation.

I have to admit, I’ve never seen us more divided….but I know we will emerge…just like we did after the Civil War, the Great Depression and the Viet Nam war. We are remarkably resilient.

Some think we need an overhaul of our governing structure. Socialism has found its voice in America these days. They want change, real bedrock constitutional change. Call me a Brontosaurus…I prefer to double down on the Bill of Rights and capitalism.  
I think the American Dream is alive, and available to every citizen.

God Bless America.

1 comment:

  1. Well, the constitution was founded on racism and sexism, no matter how many times people say the founding fathers were great. They ended up being cowards in the end. We are also not the greatest nation of earth based on any sort of measurement other than citizens incarcerated per capita. We are not a great country, we could be. If we worked hard, but not right now. We are far from it, even after all the changes that have been made.
