Friday, May 17, 2019

"Government IS The Problem"

Making a doctor get a license makes sense. Making a gardener get one is a current scam being perpetrated by our state government.

In a piece by Austin Berg for the website Illinois Policy, Berg writes about Senate Bill 1899, which passed and is now being considered in the House.

Let me summarize--- If you want to plan, build, till or plant a garden----you will need a landscape architect license from the state. If you are college kid with a pickup and try to landscape your neighbor’s yard….you could get arrested if this bill becomes law.
It’s typical Illinois. A bunch of current landscape architects trying to kill competition under the guise of public safety. They would likely be grandfathered…but anyone wanting to get into the business would have to take several years of specific education or six years as a worker reporting to a licensed landscaper.

It reminds me of another profession treated horribly in this state. A sign language interpreter in Illinois must pay $900 and complete four years of education, plus pass two exams before they can charge for services. Twenty-nine other states don’t even license the profession.

This is insane but typical here in the Land of Lunacy.

So let me recap---if you get paid for putting cobblestone and mulch around your neighbor’s front porch without first going to school for several years and writing a big check to the state… will be in violation of the law.

It brings to mind one of my favorite Reagan lines.

“In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem.  Government is the problem.”

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