Friday, May 3, 2019

Worry About "Common Sense" Gun Laws

You know, if you listen to these commentaries, I am an unabashed supporter of the second amendment. There are many who don’t share my zest for our constitutional right to bear arms. They talk about mass killings and raise money for “common sense gun laws and responsible gun ownership.”

Those are all code words for people who want to get into your gun safe.

One such group which has raised contributions from five million Americans, is a group called “Every town for Gun Safety.” That group was founded by businessman and former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. He was a Democrat before becoming a Republican before going back to being a Democrat. He is the sixth richest person in the country, worth a reported 82-billion dollars making our Governor look like a pauper.

Bloomberg wants gun control. He wants lots more restrictions on the most responsible gun owners. I’ve said it before; the carnage every weekend in Chicago proves the fallacy of gun control. Last weekend, three were killed and 30 wounded in the most gun restricted county in Illinois. And Illinois is one of only five states that require gun owner identification cards.

I guarantee that none of the people wielding the firearms that caused harm last weekend in Chicago had FOID cards or were worried about their violations of gun laws.

So how do “common sense gun laws” change anything when it comes to violence? I don’t get it.

Just so you know Levi Straus has pledged $1-million dollars to Bloomberg’s gun control group. 

You might note that before you buy your next pair of jeans…..

1 comment:

  1. Mike I have had the pleasure of meeting you I find that most of your topics hit home especially this one. I am a law abiding citizen I deserve the right to carry a firearm at work if I so choose. I am however viewed in the community as a liberal . I just want you to know we dont always agree but as you told me in person "hey at least I made you think about it". Thank You you have fans on both sides of the fence.
