Thursday, May 2, 2019

Stop Dealing With Kim Jong-un

I don’t pretend to have a world view.  But I have developed a rather large burr in my saddle concerning North Korea. So here it is…

Kim Jong-un is a fat little dictator who does not deserve more face time with the commander-in-chief of the most powerful country in the world. We need to double down on sanctions and starve him out of power.

The history is lengthy, but the one bit of information that pushed me over the edge was the confirmation that they sent a $2-million dollar bill to the United States for the hospice care of Otto  Warmbier, the student who was arrested on bogus charges and allowed to slip into a coma that ultimately cost him his young life.

How unbelievably insulting. A brazen act by a dictator who has encouraged his starving population to eat their dogs to survive.

No, really…The North Korean government promotes eating canine because they say it has more vitamins than chicken, beef pork or duck….all of which are in short supply.
And this little dog eater commands the attention of our leadership because he has been allowed nuclear weapons and the rocket delivery system to launch them at us.

I didn’t write a best-selling book about closing deals like our president, but I don’t want a deal with Kim Jung-un. He effectively murdered an American citizen.
I don’t want a deal. I want vengeance for the death of Otto Warmbier and I am disgusted by the thought of barbecued basset. 

Kim Jong-un doesn’t deserve our respect.

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