Thursday, May 9, 2019

Daylight Saving Time Year-Round

Finally, there is something out of Springfield to salute.

State Senator Andy Manar from Bunker Hill, has introduced Senate Bill 533, which, if enacted into law, would make Daylight Saving Time the year-round standard beginning the second Sunday next March.

He did so because he was lobbied by a central Illinois high school civics class.
The bill follows a tweet from the President saying he likes the idea. There appears to be some momentum given the fact that Florida already passed the measure into law and California may soon follow suit. It’s already the law in Arizona and Hawaii.

There is even a national movement gaining steam.  Both of Florida’s Senators, Marco Rubio and Rick Scott are pushing a national “Sunshine Protection Act” to make Daylight Saving Time the national standard.

I am for this proposal for many reasons----one, my body does not adjust well to time change. It absolutely throws me for a loop twice a year. It seems to get worse as I get older. Also, I hate leaving work when it is dark outside.

But here’s the real reason I am a fan of the proposal. I can’t figure out how to change the time on the radio in my truck. It’s embarrassing to constantly find a millennial to fix my meager technology needs, so I don’t. That means I have the wrong time in the Dodge half of the year. This proposal solves my dilemma. I fix it once and I’m done.

Is this really important? No.

Is it going to happen?

I like the chances.

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