Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Over? Nope.

I would like to take a moment to offer my services to the Democratic Party in the post-confirmation days of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

As a consultant, I would say, please move on. Use this to fire up the base for the mid-terms only 30 days down the road. Use it to fire up women who feel that the GOP thumbed their nose at all women when it didn’t listen to Dr. Blasey-Ford and her emotional testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

I would tell them to not say the Kavanaugh issue lives. 

Believe me. It’s over. Just like Clarence Thomas was seated 28 years ago and has served admirably since, Brett Kavanaugh is fully ensconced at the high court.  You lost. There’s no way to hurt him now.

That would be my advice should the Democrats ask.
Trust me. They won’t.

What they would rather do is make a colossal mistake of pursuing impeachment. Yes, unbelievably the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Tom Perez, released a statement saying “we will not stop marching, we will not stop fighting.”
That is both politically inane….and suggests that Kavanugh has done something to be impeached….

Here’s why it is so stupid. The Democrats need to win in 30 days. And their actions have energized Republicans who feel Kavanaugh got the shaft in his hearings. In 30 days, Republicans might calm down and not vote. But the suggestion that the Democrats want to impeach Kavanaugh, only pokes the GOP hornet’s nest.

Next, expect to hear that the Russians had something to do with this.

1 comment:

  1. Prostitution may well be the world’s oldest “profession” but 21st century politics in the Un-united States - hands down - is the nastiest and filthiest. We, the People all deserve better. But given the current depths of the muck in our nation’s capitol, no sane, honest, ethical, well-intentioned person dares so much as to dip a toe, let alone jump in head-first. For shame. On BOTH parties.
