Monday, September 24, 2018

The Joke Is On Hollywood

The geniuses at NBC are trying to figure out why their broadcast of the 70th Emmy Awards recorded the smallest audience ever for the show. In fact, last week’s broadcast was down 10-percent from last year….and 30-percent over the last four years.

I have a few ideas as to why the ratings continue to plummet.

Maybe it’s because most of mid-America was just putting up the leg rest on their Lazy-Boys when a so-called comedian, in his opening monologue took a shot at everyone who believes in Christ. That cuts a pretty nice swath through the Bible Belt.

The joke---which is on Hollywood ----was when a really unfunny guy said white people that thank Jesus were Republicans and ex-crackheads.  I’ve got news for him and NBC, a 2015 poll showed that 75% of the Americans asked, said they were Christians. And I would say a vast majority of them are not crackheads.

Another reason why people didn’t tune in was simply--we are all tired of full-contact politics. You can’t turn on the TV without angry talking heads arguing about politics. You can’t even turn on a good pro football game without players doing something political like taking a knee during the anthem. I think people just desperately want a break from politics.

Here in flyover country,  I’d say we are tired of being portrayed as bumpkins who were  too stupid to vote the right way in the last election. We won’t watch a bunch of overpriced prima donnas beat on a podium at an award show where the women’s dresses are worth more than our homes.

We just turn the channel. At least we did last week.


  1. I believe you hit the proverbial nail on the head. Well said.

  2. awesome commentary! I am so glad that more and more of us are speaking up and not letting people talk down to us because we think differently than they do. I am tired of being made to think that others think I don't have a say or a right to have a say. Thank you!
