Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Suicide....News or not?

I need to explain something to you. It is my view of the dicey topic of suicide.
It happens on a regular basis in our society. In Illinois, someone commits a suicide  every six hours. We apparently had one in Albion earlier this week.

Since I have been here we have had a couple of obvious suicides reported to us. And yet, you never heard about them on these airwaves. If the person who killed themselves, did so, without involving others and did it as a private final act---I do not believe it is the type of news that should be reported on our 6000 watts.

No crime was committed. No one else was involved. It was a private decision and I think it should remain that way.

Why would I want to further embarrass the family left behind? It makes no sense to me but I am not the final arbiter of news in this neck of the woods. I can only tell you it is not considered news here.

Now, let me draw a line here. And excuse me if my example seems flippant.
If, the mayor, jumps off the city hall at noontime, without clothes on…That’s going to be on the news. And if you involve SWAT teams, dozens of police officers and your actions result in a lockdown of the nearby school, your identity becomes news.

I hope you understand. Someone quietly ending their life-----their business.

Someone flamboyantly involving others..or after doing harm to someone else---newsworthy and we will use it.

I have never understood the depths of depression that would drive someone to make the decision to end it all. I’ve had bad times. But suicide was never a consideration. 

I wish other people thought the same way…

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