Thursday, September 20, 2018

A Curious Double Standard

I don’t care much to weigh in on the current controversy involving the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh because it appears to still be so fluid. I do mean to belittle comments made by a bystander. A bystander who says she believes Dr. Christine Blasey Ford deserves the “benefit of the doubt” in her accusation that Kavanaugh sexually attacked her when the two of them were in high school, 35 years ago.
The bystander’s name is Hillary Clinton, the former presidential candidate, U.S. Senator and First Lady. Clinton’s willingness to give the California professor the benefit of the doubt over the categorical denials of a long serving judge, are hard for me to swallow.

She never gave Juanita Broaddrick, Leslie Milwee, Paula Jones or Kathleen Willey anything but looks of derision as they made claims of sexual misconduct against her husband. Broaddrick accused the former president of raping her in 1978…Millwee said he sexually assaulted her in 1980… Willey said he groped her without consent in 1993… and Jones accused Clinton of exposing himself to her in 1991. Are they less believable than Dr. Blasey Ford?

Even when the sex was consensual, in the Oval Office of the White House, between her husband and an intern, Mrs. Clinton called Monica Lewinsky, a “narcissistic loony toon.” So much for the #metoo movement.

Because of the inexplicable way Clinton lost her run for president, she has been on tour for two years trying to blame the Russians, the FBI and a few dozen others for the loss. Even members of her own party have said to her….please…just be quiet.
On her belief that women who accuse men of sexual assault should always be given the benefit of the doubt? 

I think I’d be quiet on that one too.

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