I walk with my head pointed down looking at the pavement
directly in front of me.
You would think it was to prevent me from tripping on an
object. Nope.
It is the by-product of two back surgeries. I just have a
unique way of walking that has me leaning forward.
I’ve always leaned forward.
That makes me a change-finding machine. I can spot a penny
(un-shiny, Abe face down) from a block away.
Every time I find a coin on my frequent walks, I bend over,
pick it up, and make a wish.
It was a 1972 penny that got me my first college presidency.
I’m convinced a nickel I spotted near the railroad tracks foretold my time in
I’ve picked up lots of change in my life. And I’ve always
That is until this weekend while scooting through the D lot
on the St. Louis Community College campus in Wildwood, where I work. It was a
stressful weekend, what with the campus hosting the Wildwood BBQ Bash and some
63,000 people in attendance.
I saw a penny tails up right in front of me.
I stooped down and picked it up and immediately closed my
eyes to think of a wish.
I couldn’t believe it. I was always able to think of
something immediately before. The next job, the next camera lens, the next
But not this time.
At a loss, I mouthed, “Thank you for making me happy again.”
It was directed to the heavens.
I’m not suggesting God plunked that piece of copper on the
ground in Lot D. But I am suggesting that through his grace, I don’t look any
longer for the next challenge, or the next destination in my life. I merely
want to remain happy with myself and my surroundings.
And that was what this penny represented to me. The chance
to just simply thank the Lord that I have made peace with my destiny. I don’t
have to keep asking for the next best job or the next best possession.
I already possess the greatest gift granted by God…. besides
And I’m grateful for it.
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