For three years, Carol and I attended the Murphysboro,
Illinois United Methodist Church.
It was there that we were introduced to “The Trail.”
What is ‘The Trail?’
‘The Trail’ is a
metaphor the church used to describe where we are in our personal relationship
with Christ. Sometimes we can be on the trail, believing in God, attending
church, going through the motions… but become ‘stuck’ – no longer growing, and
no longer reaching new destinations on the path.
As 2016 comes to an end, I think I can honestly say Carol
and I have started to move forward again.
We have landed in Wildwood, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis.
I am pleased to be the associate provost at the local campus of St. Louis
Community College. Carol has landed as an Occupational Therapist at Missouri
Baptist Hospital at Sullivan. We both work hard.
One of the outcomes of my eight month sabbatical was an
interaction with one of my former students who encouraged me to take a leap of
faith and become a professional public speaker. Rita Frazer was once a young
farm girl taking radio classes at Lewis and Clark Community College. I
introduced her to Ag Broadcasting and now she is the preeminent farm
broadcaster in the state of Illinois. She heard about my resignation and called
to say I needed to try my hand at public speaking.
After much thought, I decided she was right and I should
take a leap of faith. She recommended a representative to help me break into
the circuit and I listened. In November, my first paid speaking engagement was
before the Peoria County Farm Bureau Annual Meeting. It went well….but I also
learned from the experience and I know I can do better.
I am at an interesting spot in the trail.
Professionally, my wife and I are doing what we have been
trained to do. Personally, I am pleased to be close to my mother, sister, kids
and grandkids. And creatively, I’m thrilled to be on the cusp of my 60th
year on planet Earth and starting a new creative endeavor which challenges me.
Many of my contemporaries in education have already retired.
I’m sure they are happy with their free time. But I am not cut from the same
cloth. I want to keep working and trying to make a difference. My Dad, who
passed last June, never lost the desire to be active. His voice is still heard
on radio stations in Illinois and Indiana, doing his Sunday music program.
I had a boss once who told me, “Never retire. Never hang it
up.” He is still running a college district into his 70s with no hint of retirement.
For him, the trail will not end. That is, until he gets called home.
God has been so good to me.
I thank him daily.
And I want to let you know that my new trail includes a new
website devoted to my endeavors as a public speaker.
Please bookmark it and share it if you know of someone who
needs a speaker for their next event.
Here’s to hoping you are pursuing your trail.
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