Wednesday, November 26, 2014

An Introspective Thanksgiving

I had a reporter from the local English language newspaper send me an e-mail this morning.

She asked me to write 50 words or less on the topic of thankfulness.

The problem was the deadline. She sent the request at 10:40 a.m. and asked that I submit my response by 10:30 a.m. I was ten minutes late before I could even pull up Microsoft Word.

So I passed…

But it did make me think for a few moments about my blessings. There are many.

I was blessed with loving parents and grandparents who made me and my sister the center of their universe. They showed love to us and that shaped who we became.

I was most fortunate to grow up in a safe and friendly neighborhood in a village where good people reigned and everyone looked out for everyone else. I benefited from a solid elementary and secondary education where I was always so proud to represent by wearing the colors of my hometown.

I had great coaches….great leaders to follow…..wonderful friends and classmates.

I had the privilege to barrow a ridiculous amount of money to pursue higher education and somehow fall across the finish line with a terminal degree before my credit ran out.

Three sons have given me three grandsons. Their existence make me immortal.

In the season of my greatest despair, God led me to a woman who loves and cares for me. Carol also made it possible for me to know her family…and a beautiful grand-daughter. Dreiths don’t have girls….but I have one that loves to invade the forbidden sanctity of my Mancave.

My career has allowed me to broadcast at a half dozen radio stations.  I’ve taught at four colleges and been a president three times. I always think about the people….the colleagues who became life-long friends. They are in my thoughts always. I have been blessed. You are only as good as the people around you….and I have served with some great professionals.

There is so much more I want to do. But on this day, spending some quiet reflective time in my ‘cave….I just need to say thanks to everyone who cares for the things I care about. Thank you for those of you who pay respect to me and God forgive me for the fact that I notice the folks who regularly don’t respect me. They have their reasons…..

This weekend Carol and I will once again get our respective families together to eat, have fellowship and have pictures taken of how we are growing. I’ll post the images. Look closely at the smile on my face when I am surrounded by my extended family.

That will tell you all you need to know about how thankful I truly am….


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