Friday, August 14, 2020

Pages Of School Rules



I got to look at an eight page document sent to our local school administrators Wednesday from the state. It was ominous. I fear for the education of our kids.

I said a few weeks back that it would surprise me if school was still meeting in person by Labor Day. Let me revise that estimate. It won’t take that long. They will be home soon. No need for bus drivers this fall.

In the state’s view, a COVID-like symptom is a runny nose or a  loose stool. If a symptom is detected, that student is immediately sent home for 14 days. But it isn’t just the kids with the running nose….it’s also their brothers and sisters. Everyone around them will have to be tested.

If a student or staff member has a symptom and does not get tested, they must have a doctor’s note identifying their malady….and they must stay away from school for at least ten days. Good luck even finding a physician who will see your kid  if they have a runny nose.

Eight pages of this stuff…Eight pages of ways to close a school.

If your son  plays the trumpet, the state would prefer he do it outside or with the windows to the band room wide open…. which could be real interesting in January. There goes the band. Nobody loves music-making in sub-zero weather.  

It won’t be anytime before more students will be at home than will be in home room. In no time, the portal to dropping out won’t be flunking tests or getting into a fight….

…the common cold should get the job done.

1 comment:

  1. COVID-19 is not the common cold. Implying such is irresponsible. People having open heart surgery do not stay in the hospital as long as patients hospitalized with COVID-19.
