Thursday, July 2, 2020

Support The Blue

There is a blue ribbon on the front of my house.

It is there because I support law enforcement. The vast majority of the people within my broadcast voice are in agreement….while the rest of the world seems to be on a lunatic pursuit of anarchy.

“Defund the police,” is the cry. In Fairfield, the starting salary for a police officer is $35,000. It’s slightly north of $40,000 for a county deputy. A shift manager at a local fast food restaurant makes that kind of money. The police officers risk injury and death every shift. The shift manager at Mickey D’s has to dispense refunds if the fries are cold.

New York has cut a billion dollars out of its police budget. Seattle allowed a cop-free neighborhood only to have the Mayor reverse course after 65 offenses were reported inside the zone including rape and murder.

A society without laws and adequate law enforcement is doomed to implode.

On the wall of my den at home are the badges of my father. He rose through the ranks to become the police chief in the town where I grew up. My dad was not a saint and he never considered himself a hero. The good cops don’t see themselves that way.

 They just want—and deserve-- the respect that goes along with carrying the shield. 

They have mine..

…which explains the blue ribbon on the porch of my house.

1 comment:

  1. Defang the police or demilitarize the police would have been a better slogan.

    Police work is well outside of the top ten most dangerous jobs. Less dangerous than cutting grass, driving a semi, etc (etc, etc).

    I support civil policing. Is there a flag or ribbon for that?
