Friday, March 13, 2020

We Are Prepared

It is time for everyone to take a deep cleansing breath. Wayne County and Fairfield Memorial Hospital are prepared in case the Coronavirus appears here.

I have had conversations with Clark Griffith of the Wayne County Health Department, Sheriff Mike Everett, States Attorney Kevin Kakak, Chief Hospital Administrator Dr. Katherine Bunting-Williams and others about the current status and how an outbreak would be reported and handled.

I’m confident in them, their preparation and their honesty. They say we do not have a case yet in Wayne County….but they are talking to one another and preparing if the worst came to pass.

Griffith apparently has the power to quarantine with the help of the state, the local courts and law enforcement. He doesn’t seem reluctant to use that power should someone test positive. He says all first responders have been outfitted with the appropriate masks and have been trained.

I see many friends blowing this off as a political folly….and they have a point to an extent. There have been some shameless attempts to politicize this pandemic.

I’m convinced the threat is serious enough to be prepared.

In the meantime,  all hands are on deck. All our public officials are rowing the right direction. And you will get up-to-date information here daily as the story unfolds.

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