Monday, March 16, 2020

A Bigger Park District?

An interesting idea has emerged from the Fairfield Forward committee. It's not a new idea, but it is interesting nonetheless.

Amy Pollard appeared at last week’s Fairfield Park Board meeting to discuss the possibility of expanding the park district into the high school’s tax base as opposed to the current city-only support of the parks.

If you didn’t know it, the park district collects property taxes only from landowners inside the city limits. And it seems rather unfair that everyone from outside the city…folks in  Geff, the New Hope area and even Mill Shoals….use the park system without an extra charge.  That includes the golf course, the ball fields, recreation areas and the pool. They get those benefits while folks inside the city foot the bill.

The Park District is not a cash cow.

But last time this discussion occurred, some 30 years ago, it blew up. In fact, it never came to a vote. The Park District President resigned; the high school Superintendent got involved….it was a mess.

This time, Pollard has done the right thing. She apprised the park board. She has handed off the issue to the Wayne County Farm Bureau where Doug Anderson says it will go to his board for discussion.

While it makes common sense, it will likely be unpopular by some who have freely used the parks over the years but let folks in the city pay for them. Maybe it's time to re-think the arrangement.

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