Friday, January 10, 2020

"Shoot, Police, Stop"

Many years ago, as a young educator, I was asked to take a test administered by a management company. The test was supposed to label my potential leadership style. When I got the results, I was surprised that it melted down to three words. They were: “Shoot, Police, Stop.”

I didn’t understand. The consultant who administered the test explained.
The 30-year-old Mike Dreith would impetuously make decisions quickly, without process, without considering the consequences. The proper sequence for police is: “Stop, Police, Shoot.” I got it and changed.

I think the same advice could be shared with the folks down at City Hall in Fairfield.

Wednesday morning, the majority of the members of the Fairfield Wayne County Area Development Commission heard on the morning radio news that the city’s TIF committee was recommending the demise of the commission. They handed it over to a Springfield attorney to write into a proposed ordinance without talking to anyone of the commission.  Really bad style.

I’m not prepared to argue whether or not the Commission has outlived its usefulness. Maybe it has. The truth is, many of the members of the commission have served without compensation for decades trying to encourage Fairfield’s growth. They deserved more than learning the City Council’s TIF committee was recommending their demise from Jeff Vaughan.

It was a “Shoot, Police Stop” moment that could have been averted.

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