Thursday, January 16, 2020

How Did This Move Us Forward?

I’ve tried to think carefully about the Fairfield City Council’s move to de-commission the Fairfield Area Development Commission. And honestly, there were some errors made in the decision to move forward.

I have already said the lack of transparency with the commission membership was a problem. Here are the other issues.

Having Springfield Attorney Dan Schuering do the amendment to the ordinance was salt in the wound. His work has long been questioned by locals. Schuering has made a lot of money here and the meter just keeps on running.

I attended the meeting of the commission Monday afternoon where some members vented about learning from the media that their volunteer service was coming to an end. I don’t mind telling you….there were some heavy hitters in the room.

I’m not going to name them. But you have leaders in banking, law, education, business, and politics on that commission. You need people like that if you are leading in a town like Fairfield. Many of them left the meeting not pleased.

Most importantly, how does this move get the city closer to keeping and attracting jobs? I don’t understand the vision. How does killing the development commission help if that is the goal? I’m really not sure.

I know this. In my former life as a college leader, the support of the people in that room was absolutely vital if we were going to be a success at the college. The same can be said of their importance to the survivability of Fairfield.

I need to see the economic development plan moving forward. 


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