Thursday, November 7, 2019

Tell Them Afterwards

Beto O’Rourke called it quits last week.

The former Texas Congressman said it was clear that his campaign for president didn’t have the means to continue. And that has at least one TV talking head offering analysis.

Joy Behar Monday said O’Rourke was foolish in his public statements when he signaled his administration would be confiscating guns. According to Behar, the more prudent move would be to have a plan to seize Americans’ firearms….but not announce it until you get into the White House.

It’s hard to misinterpret the clarity of her thought.

“They should not tell everything they’re going to do…If you’re going to take people’s guns away, wait until you get elected---then take the guns away.” Her exact quote.

O’Rourke didn’t just want your guns. He wanted to take away tax exemptions for religious institutions if they dared have an opinion about same sex marriages contrary to his own.

To conservatives….he was saying….time to drop your guns and your Bibles. Because we’re coming after both. For O’Rourke, the go-to stump speech included an attack on everyone on the other side of the culture war.
…I think Joy is right. If you want to win…best keep that anti-gun, anti-church stuff under your hat.

Tell ’em after you win.

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