Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Aye, Aye, Captain

If you were born between 1946 and 1965, I have news for you. There is a term on social media which is intended to insult you. Be ready for it.

Its genesis is from New Zealand, in their legislature. A 25-year-old lawmaker was pontificating about climate change and was interrupted by an older colleague.

She paused…and said….”OK, Boomer.”

Doesn’t offend me. But others saw it as an  inter generational put down. In fact one conservative radio host called it the “n-word of ageism.”

If offering conservative commentary tinged with common sense irritates snowflakes and bleeding heart liberals to the point they call me----“Boomer,” then go right ahead. It’s better than I’ve been called by those groups of people in the past.

In fact, I am rather proud of being a Boomer. We had a tough act to follow---the Greatest Generation.

Boomers popularized the 70-80 hour work week. We kept our heads down and paid our dues to climb up career ladders….grateful to the companies that gave us opportunity and security. We are deeply loyal.

Don’t you think these labels----Boomer and Snowflake----aren’t really monikers of ageism as much as they are lame attempts to insult someone because of their world view?

So, let’s be clear-----if you think you are insulting me by calling me a Boomer? Think again.

William Shatner, Captain Kirk, when confronted by an anonymous detractor writing “OK, Boomer,” to him responded---“If the person posting it thinks they re making a dig; they are the fools.”  

Aye, aye, Captain.

1 comment:

  1. "Ok Boomer" didn't originate in NZ with that comment. I understand the inability to use the internet properly though, being a boomer and all.

    From Wikipedia (😂) "ok boomer" is a song written and produced by 20-year-old college student Johnathan Williams, which was shared on Twitter in July 2019. The song features cutting lyrics and him shouting "OK Boomer" repeatedly in response. 19 year old Peter Kuli then published a remix of the song on SoundCloud that circulated on TikTok, fueling the meme even further, serving as a "de facto anthem."

    Also, it seems noteworthy to point out that the boomer from your story was both disrespectful and incorrect.

    This sure was a tough act to follow 🙄.
