Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Please Stop The Chop

I find the continued exhaustive use of the “Tomahawk Chop” during Atlanta Braves baseball games to be irritating. Not just because it offends Native Americans…presents a double standard…but because it is just….irritating.

The chant was omnipresent as the Cardinals played Atlanta in the playoffs last week, and it struck a nerve with Card relief pitcher Ryan Helsley, whose mom is a full-blooded Cherokee. He thought it was a sign of disrespect to him---as he entered the game---in the 8th inning of the first game of the series. He said so and it has spawned a mini-controversy.

Here’s what I think.

If Illiniwek and Chief Wahoo (the Cleveland Indians’ former mascot) have been retired, then how can the Braves continue to promote a tomahawk chop? The club responded to Helsley saying they will continue a dialog about the issue after the season is over. In other words, we will continue to chop, buddy----

The commissioner of baseball no less, told the media last February that the Braves were taking out the chop. And, while you can’t stop fans from chanting----you sure could stop handing out mini-tomahawks before the game…and cease playing a musical accompaniment to the ritual.

I’m not personally offended by the chop but then I haven’t walked a mile in Helsley’s moccasins. . I’m just irritated by it.

More irritating is the double standard. Just ask the University of Illinois and the Cleveland Indians, both losing their mascots to cultural sensitivity. 

The Atlanta Braves need to stop the chop.

1 comment:

  1. Bring back the Chief Illini has lost their pride after the Chief has gone
