Wednesday, October 2, 2019


There is rich irony in what we inhale these days.

On one hand, appropriate war is looming against the vaping industry while little towns like Fairfield discuss the terms that would allow a cannabis dispensary into the city. Do you see it?

Senators like Dick Durbin have threatened the head of the Food and Drug Administration to get a grip on vaping while the Mayor of Fairfield has given the city council choices on how to deal with the reality of legal cannabis sales all around us. It creates the specter of Vape Stores being forced to close while Weed Dispensaries could be getting ribbon-cutting ceremonies.

I believe that vaping is…and was…a way for cigarette smokers to kick the habit. However the addition of flavors has ushered in a huge spike in teenage vapers.

You know how I feel about recreational marijuana. Notice I emphasize “recreational” ….not medicinal cannabis. If you can talk a doctor into a prescription, smoke to your hearts content.

As for Fairfield, I understand the city council has choices to make when it comes to pot stores.

One--Do nothing. Two--Collect taxes on sales. Three---zone where the businesses can locate…or four, prohibit sales.  The council would be foolish to do nothing. I know they need the revenue. Taking a stand against the sale is more my style. But here, it is senseless and I’d understand it if the council chooses to cash in.

I would have never considered making money selling pot in my life.
But that’s exactly what my city is going to do. 

More frightening to me? I understand it.

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