Monday, October 14, 2019

"Hello, This is Social Security."

My dear, sweet, 81-year-old mother answered her cell phone last week and had a voice on the other end identify themselves as Social Security. Mom depends on her social security, so she listened.

You and I know that the Social Security Administration isn’t going to call Mary Etta on her cellphone to do business. But there are people who prey on our seasoned citizens in the cruelest of ways. This call to my mom is particularly grievous. It seems that almost everyone in her retirement community gets them on a regular basis. It is a topic at mealtime.

On her call, the purported representative told Mom that her former husband, who passed away five years ago, had been involved in some shady dealings. Because of his “criminal activity,” her social security was going to stop. Fortunately, my y sister had schooled Mom on the fact that social security isn’t going to call her or send an e-mail asking for information. They aren’t. I’m telling you today….if you get such a call…hang up.

 My sister says she has received the calls on a half dozen occasions. She was told on one of the calls that warrants were issued for her.

Mom told me to write this commentary last night. She said she has even thought through what should happen to the scammers if the federal government catches up to them.

Mom says they need to get five years in prison.

That might be where I went wrong in life. 

Mom was always too nice.

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