Friday, June 7, 2019

Let Voters Weigh In

Dale Righter, who serves Wayne Edwards and White counties among others in the Illinois Senate, says he will not seek re-election. The Republican from Mattoon says the day to day slug of politics has worn him down.

I was impressed by Righter when he appeared at a Second Amendment Town Hall in Fairfield earlier this spring. He was passionate on the issue and seemed to soothe the locals who had their noses out of joint over one of his previous votes.

So, here‘s what I’m concerned about. I hope Righter is true to his word in telling reporters he doesn’t have anybody in mind for his seat. I hope he serves out his term—in full--and voters in the 55th Senate district get to vote in the primary for the Republican who best aligns with their views. That’s not how it usually works in Illinois politics. Sometimes when an incumbent announces they won’t seek re-election somebody gets plugged into the seat and thus becomes the incumbent, giving them a big advantage in the general election.

Let me just proffer a scenario for you. Righter decides he would rather get back into private life before his term expires in January of 2021. That opens the opportunity for the county party chairmen to name a new Senator to serve out Righter’s term. They fill the seat and---in doing so---discourage potential primary candidates.

From where I sit, that would be a very bad move for the Republican Party in the general election. It would leave local voters with two choices-----vote Democratic or vote for a Republican who might not be what they are looking for their voice in Springfield.

I’m going to take Senator Righter at his word. He’s bowing out at the end of his term….and that he doesn’t have anyone in mind for the seat.

1 comment:

  1. I've k own Dale since he was young. His Dad Kenneth Ryder worked at Associated Spring Mattoon and ran laundry mat and car wash in Neoga,Il. His sons are now grown and on their own.
