Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Durbin Blames Fossil Fuels For Floods

Senator Dick Durbin visited my birth home, Alton, on Saturday and told the locals he couldn’t promise any help as the region struggled with Mississippi River flooding. He also blamed global warming.

The current flood rivals the 1993 flood…but is not quite as devastating as the 1927 flood. The government’s answer to those devastating events was to---build more levees.

Here’s what Durbin had to say about the flood....

“Carbon emissions (have to be) part of the conversation. It means we have to get real when it comes to the energy future of this state and of this nation, looking for alternatives, sustainable and renewable sources that don’t add to the carbon emissions that compromise our environment.”

Wow. Durbin just told the people of Alton, in one sweeping comment…”Don’t expect help from the government…except when it comes to ridding the planet of fossil fuels…because clearly that’s the reason why you are wading in river water.”

Imagine what it says to the people who make a living in our oil and gas industry…and the miners of Southern Illinois.

If environmental change is the reason for this year’s floods----how did it happen back in 1927, 92 years ago? If only Durbin had been there then, telling the locals to park their Model-Ts and turn in their coal.  

Do you think maybe it has to do with all the levees which create a funnel effect as the Illinois, Missouri and Mississippi come together near Alton?

No. Dick Durbin thinks it’s my pickup’s exhaust and cow flatulence.

…and nobody is going convince him differently.

1 comment:

  1. "I’ve been disappointed so many times when I’ve come to saying this to the citizens of Illinois. I won’t make any promises when it comes to the federal government. We’re actively engaged now with the Corps of Engineers, the Coast Guard and FEMA. But in terms of assistance dollars, I learned a long time ago — don’t over-promise." - Dick Durbin

    Well, you've clearly mis-characterized the Senator's statement. I suppose you forgot that there was some trouble securing funding for hurricane damaged areas. I wonder how you can bury your head so far in the sand about climate change. It's an absolutely idiotic argument to say that floods happened in the past so man has no impact on the extreme weather events that have been happening. Were you not paying attention when the west was burning due to extreme drought? The Earth is getting warmer and the consensus opinion of the World's climate scientists is that that warming is caused by Man's actions. For people that talk about the hard sacrifices we have to make, you sure do want to avoid the hard choice we have to make about our continued reliance on fossil fuels. I get that you won't live to see the worst of it, so maybe it won't matter to you. It's been predicted by UN commissions on climate change that we could have full-blown climate disasters by 2030.

    I don't get how you can ignore it. You do get that we'll get more refugees and wars as the climate gets worse in certain areas, right? Anyway, here's the Illinois climatologist's office report on the effect of climate change. You know, some actual science as opposed to your anecdotal examples.



    This second link is a discussion of the UN report about looming climate crises.
