Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Epiphany at ESPN

The president of ESPN, the longtime sports channel has had an epiphany.

He thinks it might be a good idea for his network to cover sports and leave politics to Fox, MSNBC and CNN. In so many ways, the coverage of athletes “taking a knee” and using their celebrity to espouse their political views have done nothing, in my opinion, to help either professional sports or ESPN.

ESPN Boss Jimmy Pitaro says, “Without question our data tells us our fans do not want us to cover politics.” The data of which he refers is likely the drop of over 15-million subscribers to the all-sports channel. The drop in revenue has forced the network to undergo some massive layoffs.

All because self-absorbed jocks with microphones want to talk politics instead of talking slap shots, clipping and hitting dingers out of major league ballparks.
If I want analysis on social trends, I’m not tuning to ESPN. And it appears I’m not alone.

Pitaro could have averted his network’s slide by having sit-downs with his anchors to tell them to shut up about their personal political opinions…

Maybe Pitaro should have taken the lead of “His Airness,” Michael Jordan, who when approached for a campaign donation back in 1992, said no. Jordan told a Democrat---quote—“Republicans buy sneakers too.” Since then, he did contribute to former President Obama’s re-election campaign….but the original point was made.
If I want weather, I go to the weather channel…..if I want politics….I go to one of the news channels. I go to ESPN for one reason.

...And it isn’t for social or political opinion.

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